Working with Ang Lee on "The Hulk" was definitely one of the high points of my career. He challenged the entire ILM team to come up with visual effects that depicted not so much the external reality of this comic book hero, but rather the internal reality of what makes The Hulk such an interesting character. Of course, looking back at Ang's body of work, this makes complete sense as in every movie he's ever made he's always delved into the character's deepest psyche and built the film upon those submerged feelings and emotions.
For a particular sequence in the film when we flash back to Bruce Banner's childhood memories, Ang wanted some concept art to see what we can do with the stuffed animals - to make them symbols for all the repressed anger that the young Bruce experienced in his childhood home. I was - and still am - a big fan of David McKean's photoshop manipulations and how he manages to blur the line of reality and fantasy. So, I did this peice for Ang using a few photographs of the dolls that we collected on set, along with some photos of a great white's mouth and dental tools found online.
In the end, due to time and budget, the shot was cut and in its place was a pretty simple motion-blurred shot of young Bruce playing violently with the dolls.
The Hulk. COPYRIGHT © Copyright 2003 Universal Studios All Rights Reserved
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